Case Report



 No. 423  Why my boyfriends cheated me often?

A woman in her 20th came to see me, depressed after tremendous sad experiences. She had many boy friends in the past, who cheated on her one after another. Now she cannot bear that any more. She lost confidence and wanted to know why she had to put up wth humiliation. After the session, however, she turned totally different. Her face and hands turned red, and she had a big smile. She says she has full of energy and feels peaceful now. Also, she had an image of her bright future, walking in a beautiful park in a forest with a big fall, dragonflies, and lots of colorful flowers. Of course, she is walking with her new boyfriend. I'm sure she will have a wonderful life from now on, because she has already turned to be a confident woman. I feel so happy for her, seeing her with a beautiful smile.


No. 409  Should I leave Japan now or not?

A woman in the 20's was struggling to find if she should go back to her country or not? She felt difficulty in the workplace and friendship in Japan. “At first, "Since it was my first experience, I was not sure if I was deep enough into hypnotherapy, which I think caused me a little stress/worry as I went into. " However, she learned them eventually on her own:

1, Talk to him (her boyfriend) to see if they can get back together or not.

2. Stay away from those she does not like.

3. Stay in Japan for a while, because her parents are fine now.

4. Stay healthy by checking and get rid of stress.

5. In the near future, she is gardening, which means peaceful life.

She sent me a message a few days later saying “I’m still feeling calmer than usual.” I feel so happy for her to hear that. Once you change your way of thinking, everything seems to get better. 


No. 408  Apologies and thanks to her mother who passed away

A woman in the 50th wanted to apologize to her mother, because she felt that she could not do what she was supposed to do  after her death, and so she had a lot of regret.  However, after a session,  she decided to live her own life. She felt that she did what was necessary. Now she does not feel regret and feels a lot of relief. She could even imagine what is happening in the future, in which she is working as a business person. I feel so happy I could help her get rid of burden in life and have a dream in the bright future, thanks to hypnotherapy again.


No. 382 Free from 3 year-nightmare without thoughts and emotions

A woman in her 40's couldn't express her thoughts and emotions, which caused a nightmare for 3 years. During the session, it was found that her father had scolded her when she was five and he never allowed her to express her thoughts and emotions since then. However, she accepted his apology during the session, and she can express her thoughts and emotions to people around her including her boyfriend now. Thanks for the power of hypnotherapy, her life has been getting better and better. I feel so happy for her.


No.343   Possible Divorce of International Marriage ~ Happy Ending

A client who married a man not from Japan:  We didn't get along well and "divorce" came to my mind often. Since my husband came to Japan a year ago, it was difficult for him to speak Japanese and he knew nothing about Japan. I forced him to have my sense of values/restrictions by saying, "You should do this." "That's the common sense in Japan." I never wanted to control him, but I kept nagging and directing him. It is because I wanted him to make the right choice. I apologized to him for all of this and I explained that I did it for love, and said," Free to do anything because I trust you." Since then, I could accept his own decision and we made up in our relationship that I had misunderstood. Then we had a dramatic change in our relationship. We used to quarrel almost everyday, but now, I feel happy to go shopping with my husband and my son. I felt irritated almost every day, but I can't stop loving him now. (laugh) I took a session for sucess of my carrier, but I got the clue "I'm expected to solve the relationship first ." It made me surprised at the possibillity of hypnotherapy. I appreciate this opportunity that I could learn a lot in this great session.


No.301   Traditional way of thinking of marriage toward freedom

Woman in her 60's living separately came to see me. She was deeply miserable, sad, shameful, blaming herself, and finally got sick. After a session, however, she said, (with her consent) "I was afraid of what other people would think of me, but now, I'd like to live for my happiness. All I can do is do what I can do. Now I've made a decision."

She seemed to feel positive and cheerful, so we shared happiness together.   


No.248   Covid-19 Phobia toward the life without anxiety

40 year-old man diagnosed as Covid-19 Phobia visited me. He wanted to get rid of anxiety and feel peaceful. Here's what he said after a session. (with permission)

"I understood that I wanted to have the sense of security in every situation...I realized that Past Life Regression is one of the important ways to solve the issues such as anxiety, irritation, and so on...Thank you so much for giving me such a feeling of satisfaction. I am really feeling peaceful now."


No.238   Improving the relationship of a married couple

A couple who have just come back to Japan and gave birth to a baby, but have no job. The husband had doubts about her unfaithfulness, which made her wife exhausted and caused quarrels. Her husband didn't know where his feelings came from. Here's the permitted extract from what she said as follows.

"What impressed me most was the communication with my mother. She was perfect in that she gave me lots of love and taught me the importance of life a lot. However, there was a problem. Whenever I tired to go on my way, her sense of value would prevent me from going on my way, which made me unable to make a decision. I could declare that I like to live as  I like though. That's what I wanted from the bottom of my heart, and felt a great relief. Also, I could clarify my husband's feelings which I couldn't before. I've just remembered that it was my dream to meet him, share childrearing and life with him. It was really meaningful session to recall very precious things in 3 hours."


No. 223  From the life of hardly walking to the one of being able to ski

Here's what my client says:

"Dreams have come true one after another, thanks to the hypnotherapy. I was lying in bed half a day at the end of last year and could walk only 100 steps. On Feb.29, however, I could ski 4 slopes for beginners as a result of asking her if I could ski as a joke. In this season, I thought I would be satisfied if I can stay out of bed, so it is just like a dream for me.  After experiencing hypnotherapy intensively for one month and a half, I could get a dream in a dream and change my life. 


No. 210 Long time trauma recovering gradually from staggering 

Visiting psychiatrists, physicians including a counselor and getting various treatment of oriental medicine, a woman in her 60’s visited me for a trial of hypnotherapy. It seems that she healed her mind and body through Parts Therapy in particular, in which 3 parts inside her were asked to come and cooperate to work for her. She says “I appreciate her induction to ask my parts to come precisely so I have a big hope for the future treatment.”


No. 198   Overcoming long-time trauma and having the feeling of 

                 forgiveness and healing 

A man in his 30s who had severe trauma since his childhood said after a session," I was able to discover that there are multiple perspectives of what really happened to me in my younger years. This outlook has helped me tremendously and has set me on the path of forgiveness and healing." I shared happiness with him in his getting a new peaceful life after a long-time trauma with anger and guilty consciousness.


No. 180 Leaving a life with agony and a divorce

My client’s husband committed an adultery. She suffered from untold torture. Then she came to see me to get a session. I guided her to her past life. The session was concluded with her beautiful rosy cheeks in a big smile. I was so happy I couldn’t find a word and so proud that I can do jobs to help my clients improve their lives. The following extract is taken from her comment with her permission

I feel very relieved now and it is a wonder that my anger at my husband is gone. I feel my husband is so reliable that I can learn a lot from him. It was me who thought this is a dead end, not my husband. Getting a divorce or not does not matter, but I’ll decide what I want to do to get happier myself.”

Hearing her story, I was overwhelmed by feeling of joy to be able to work to help her get happier. I really appreciate my clients that I can work to help people have a better life.


No. 168  Recovery from Anxiety and Depression

A woman who had left her family members was agonizing over her own gloomy future and her children🥶. So depressed that she kept blaming herself on and on and lost confidence to live her life😠. After getting a hypnotherapy session, however, she turned totally different and looked positive and confident, saying that she made a good choice for her life and will become a role model for her children by showing her bright life and future🌟. Realized again that hypnotherapy was helpful for those who had anxiety and depression💕.


No. 150  Chronic Pain Control - Cause of Pain

A client in his 70's could neither walk a lot, nor sit and talk because of backache, so we decided to have a session on the phone. We went back to the the time when he was an infant through Time Line, and he saw that his mother was very severe to him.😡 However, he learned that all she did was for him.💗After the treatment, he had no pain. He can walk and talk with his relatives and his friends now.🚶‍♂️Thanks to hypnotherapy, he found the cause of the pain and has a happy 2nd life now.🌈Happy to help him improve his life, too!❤️


No.147  Overcoming Depression for Getting a Happy Life

It’s about my client who lost her beloved pet and felt deeply depressed. She blamed herself because she felt that it was all her fault. She had a panic attack, climbing on the top roof of her 3-story house, trying to kill herself. Her family asked me to see her, so I gave a session followed by a few sessions for inspection. According to her family, she seldom shouts at her family members. It seems all the guilt/anger is gone. She seems to have her happy life again. It was surprising to have saved a person who is in desperate need through hypnotherapy.🌈